Monday, 8-27-12

2,2,2,1,1 Back Squats @ 100% of your 3 rep max( which is in your folder) – rest 2 minutes. Notes: Percentage is based off of 3RM. -then- Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds): 21 Double-Unders 7 Pullups 3 Ground to Overhead Notes: The goal is to finish the effort having completed each…

Saturday, 8-25-12

1 Round 50 Back Squat – 93/135 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 93/135 50 Front Squat – 63/95 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 63/95 50 Overhead Squat – 45/75 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 45/75 *Girls doing this WoD Rx’d will set up 5′s on the inside, then 10′s, then 15′s on the outside. Men…

Friday, 8-24-12

As of lately SOME, not all, are failing to put equipment back after they use it. Sometimes we forget, that happens. When it occurs repeatedly you are not being responsible/accountable. I do not want to have to come up to you to ask you to put your equipment back that is uncomfortable for all of…

Wednesday, 8-22-12

As of lately SOME, not all, are failing to put equipment back after they use it. Sometimes we forget, that happens. When it occurs repeatedly you are not being responsible/accountable. I do not want to have to come up to you to ask you to put your equipment back for certain reasons. This includes what…