Saturday, 3-19-16

“THE AIR FORCE WOD” For time: 20 Thrusters 20 Sumo deadlift high pulls 20 Push jerks 20 Overhead squats 20 Front squats ‘Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed…

Friday, 3-18-16

Athletes report to gym at 6PM for Open Judging. WORKOUT 16.4 Rx’d Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of: 55 deadlifts 55 wall-ball shots 55-calorie row 55 handstand push-ups (scaled HR push ups, masters push presses) Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women deadlift 155…