Saturday 4-23-16

Partner WOD:
For time –
21 Cal Row
21 Thruster 95/65
21 Thruster
21 Cal Row
(Partner A goes first completes the cal row then thruster and rests while partner B completes cal row and thrusters. Once partner B is done with cal row thruster partner A starts Thruster cal row…)
*10 Min time cap *

rest 7 Min

For time:
80 Deadlifts 135/95
40 Lat Burpee over bar
60 Hang Power Clean 135/95
30 Lat Burpee over bar
40 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
20 Lat Burpee over bar
(One partner works at a time. Split reps up any way)
*20 Min time cap*

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