Friday 3-13-20

How we are handling the Coronavirus situation at Kryptonite:

  • DO NOT COME TO THE GYM SICK. If you have any symptoms of illness, do not come to sweat it out. When in doubt please stay home. Same for your kiddos.
  • Soap and water is your new best friend and your best defense against Coronavirus. Wash for 20 seconds.
  • Wipe down your phones regularly.
  • Grab 1 wipe and please wipe down all equipment after use.
  • Community chalk bucket will be eliminated as of Monday. You can bring your own PERSONAL chalk in a bag for use.

6 x 4 @ 65%

15 min AMRAP

100′ Sled Push 135/90
50 Double Unders
200′ KB Farmer Carry 53/35
50 Double Unders

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