Monday, 10-31-16

Hi everyone,

I am going to add a new page to our website. A testimonial page. If you could write how Crossfit Kryptonite or how the 6 week challenge has changed your health, body…. please email me. You can sign it or just leave your initials.


Strength: Front Squats: 5X5 @ 70%


Halloween WOD – Partner WOD

31 Pumpkin Swings 53/35
31 Witch Jumps 24″/20″
31 meter Spider Crawl
31 Devilish Squats 105/75
31 Poltergeist Pull Ups
31 Graveyard Get Ups 40/25
31 Panic Push Ups
31 Gruesome Ground to Overhead 105/75
31 Blood Curdling Burpees

400m zombie Run

Each team member must complete all of the repetitions. Team members only work simultaneously when performing the Graveyard get ups and Zombie Run.

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