Wednesday, November 17th 2010
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters, 95#/65#
7 Hang power cleans, 95#/65#
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Thrusters, 95#/65#
7 Hang power cleans, 95#/65#
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#
GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH. KRYPTONITE GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Holiday hours – Friday 12/23/11-No PM Classes. Saturday 12/24/11 Christmas Eve – 8 am only. Strength/Skill -Clean & Jerk Work up to 1 RM 12 min A.M.R.A.P. 5 Clean & Jerks 70-75% of 1RM 20 D/U”s
WOD- 15 min AMRAP: 50 D/U 25 Pull Up 10 Hang Power Snatch WOD- 14 Min EMOM: Even- 10 Burpee Over Bar ODD- 6 shoulder to overhead 135/95
Strength- Strict Press 5×5 70% WOD- 2 Deadlifts @70% + 200m Run / Rest 1:00 2 Deadlifts + 400m Run / Rest 1:00 2 Deadlifts + 600m Run / Rest 1:00 2 Deadlifts + 800Run / Rest 1:00 2 Deadlifts + 600m Run / Rest 1:00 2 Deadlifts + 400m Run / Rest 1:00 2…
Every 90 sec x 10 sets Power Clean & Push Jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 Sets 1-3: 45-65% Sets 4-6: 70-85% Sets 7-10: 87.5%+ 15 min 1 Push Up 2 Plank Shoulder Taps 1 Wall Climb- tight form 2 Handstand Shoulder Taps 2 Push Ups 4 Plank Shoulder Taps 1 Wall Climb 4 Handstand Shoulder Taps….
Please make note of change for Saturday’s hours: We will only have an 8AM class, as we will be running the 5K Stan Wong Race in East Moriches. Anyone wanting to run/walk, please register @, and let us know. We will provide you with a free Crossfit T-shirt to wear!! Skill – Kipping W.O.D. – 3 R.F.T. 400m…
3-Position Clean- (floor, below knee, above knee) + Jerk 60%x1 65%x1 70%x1 75% x 3 sets 15 Min AMRAP- 6 OHS 135/95 12 t2b 18 Wall Ball over the shoulder 20/14