Wednesday, 3-11-20
20 Min to work on Clean and Jerkincreasing weight 12 min Amrap 1 Snatch 155/1053 Clean and Jerks30 D/U’s
20 Min to work on Clean and Jerkincreasing weight 12 min Amrap 1 Snatch 155/1053 Clean and Jerks30 D/U’s
TabataSit UpsKB North South Plank 4 Rds 20/15 AAB20 DB Snatches 70/5020 Ring Dips
10 Min EMOM3 Front Squats @ 70% Partner Wod 50-40-30-20-10DB Thrusters 50/35Burpee Pullups
“Mile Gone Bad” Run 400 meters25 Wall Balls (20/14)25 SDHP (75/55)25 Box Jumps (24/20″)25 Push Press (75/55)Run 400 meters25 Wall Balls 25 SDHP 25 Box Jumps25 Push Press Run 400 meters25 Wall Balls 25 SDHP 25 Box Jumps25 Push Press Run 400 meters
Deadlifts 6 x 3 @ 70% Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes 90 D/U’s15 T2B30 Push Ups