Thursday 11-5-15
Order your gear now!!!
Strength :
10 Min EMOM-
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
(Work up in weight)
Power Clean 95/65
**E2MOM 10 KBS 53/35**
*Scale as needed*
Order your gear now!!!
Strength :
10 Min EMOM-
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
(Work up in weight)
Power Clean 95/65
**E2MOM 10 KBS 53/35**
*Scale as needed*
Strength/Skill -Snatch Grip Push Press find your 1 RM 3RFT 7 Pull-up/T2B Clusters (That’s a new one) 14 D.B. Hang Split Clean (Alternating Legs) 21 S.D.H.P. 95/65 1 Pull-up 1 T2B = 1 Cluster D.B. Hang Split Clean – Demo
JC’s tonight! 3 Rds for Reps: 2 Min Max Effort 2-DB Box Step Ups 45/30 rest 1 min 2 Min Max Effort Ring Dips rest 1 min 2 Min Max Effort HR Push Ups rest 1 min 2 Min Max Effort V-Up rest 1 min 2 Min Max Effort Med Ball Cleans 20/14 rest 2…
HOT SHOTS 19 Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 135 pound Power clean, 19 reps 7 Strict Pull-ups Run 400 meters Post time to comments. “Hotshots 19” THIS CAN BE SCALED WITH BY PERFORMING WITH A PARTNER
Sunday hours changing to 1 class, 9AM only. Starting this weekend. Monday Labor day: 8&9 AM. and regular PM classes. Monday and Wednesday, we will be starting 5AM classes…Open GYM! 5AM classes start September 9th. Strength : Snatch Build to a heavy single WOD: For time- 15 Burpees Run 200 meters with a 20/14 pound…
Partner WOD Saturday. The BBQ is Saturday, March 26. Festivities begin after the last WOD @ 11 AM. Let us know how many are attending so we can correctly order. Michael Murphy Memorial Day WOD will take place on Monday, May 28th. There will be two classes, 8 AM & 9 AM. There will be…
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch – We will have special guest in on Tuesday. That’s why we are snatching Click here 1 – Competitiors WOD (Some have completed it) For Time: 10 Atlas stones, ground to shoulder 200m walk/run with stone 10 Atlas stones, ground to shoulder 200m walk run farmers carry or 2 –…