Thursday, 12-7-17
Strength: 6 X 3 Cleans @ 70% of 1RM
15 Min AMRAP
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 T2B
Strength: 6 X 3 Cleans @ 70% of 1RM
15 Min AMRAP
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 T2B
Tempo Deadlifts 6×4 Tempo = Stand with weight, two second hold at top, descend for 5 seconds, zero count at floor. 12 min to complete For time: 60 DB Hang Clean & Jerk 70/50 50 T2B 40 Thrusters 115/85 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 20 Sq. Clean Thruster 165/110 *
Christmas party at Brewology Dec 13th. Change in hours starting next week: Tuesday and Thursday no 7PM class, last class is at 6PM. We will have open gym Monday and Wednesday @7PM. Strength/Skill: 50 strict Pull Ups with a twist 5 min cap. Row 1000m 50 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 40 Push Jerks 30 Front…
32 min Running Clock: 5 RDs – Jackie 200m row 10 Thruster 45/35 6 Pull-Up …followed by.. 10 RDs – Isabel & Karen 3 Power Snatch 135/95 15 Wall Ball 20/14 ..if all is completed before time expires.. AMRAP “Cindy” 5 Pull-Up 10 Push-Up 15 Air Squat *Score is total of fully completed rounds…
-6,7, & 8 A.M. CLASSES ON LABOR DAY 9-3-12. NO EVENING CLASSES. -TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SCHEDULE CHANGE AS OF 9-5-12 (THURSDAY) 5 A.M. & 6 A.M. ONLY. THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE 7 A.M.’S Strength/Skill – Clean High Pulls 3-3-3-3-3 85% of of 1RM on Power Clean 15 min AMRAP: 10 Goblet squats 53/35 6…
That’s for Garrett The Gunner!!!!!!!!!! Strength/Skill – Weighted Dips- 15 mins W/U to 5 RM WOD STARTS AT 20 MINS PAST THE HOUR 10 R.F.T. 7 -Wal Balls 20/14 7 – O.H. Walking Lunges 45/25 Plate 7 – Box Jumps 24/20 7 – Burpee Pull-Ups 7 – D/U’s
Srtength/Skill – Back engagement (Important in kipping, T2B, K2E) W.O.D. – 21-15-9 S.D.H.P 95/65 O.H.S. 95/65 BOX JUMPS 24/20 WATCH THIS!!!!!!!