Wednesday, 1-4-16
Strength: Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 find your 1 RM
For time: 21-18-15=12
burpees over the bar
power cleans
Strength: Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 find your 1 RM
For time: 21-18-15=12
burpees over the bar
power cleans
Snatch Technique Add weight if form looks good With a Partner Row 5000m While 1 partner rows, the other completes: 10 DB Thrusters 35/25 50′ Bear Crawl 10 DB Snatches Continue alternating until 5000m are completed
NO 8AM CLASS THIS SATURDAY!!! 7RFT 7 Power Snatches 135/95 7 Inverted Burpees 10min EMOM Increasing weight ONLY if your form is GOOD!!!! 1 Snatch Grip Push Press 1 OHS 1 Snatch Balance
Strength/Skill – Oly Day Snatch – Find a heavy single; 85% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 Clean & Jerk – Find a heavy single; 85% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 Front Squat -Find a heavy single HS; 90% of HS x 2 x 2 x 2 …….Then 3 R.F.T….
E3MOM x12 min(4 sets) 9 Back Squats @50-60% 1RM For Time: 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 21 Thrusters 115/85 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 15 Thrusters 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 9 Thrusters (If you cannot do chest to bar or BMu, complete…
“Dicko” 3 RFT 29 Push-Ups 6 Hang Power Cleans 110/75 29 AbMat Sit-Ups 6 Push Presses 110/75 29 Pull-Ups 6 Overhead Squats 110/75 29 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Skill – Snatch W.O.D. – “RANDY” 75 Power snatches for time. 75/55 Normal Hours 8AM 9AM 10AM