Wednesday, 5-29-18
7PM Classes start tonight.
Warm up:
3RDs at easy pace
1 min wall sit hold
10 Jumping Squats
30 D/U
E2MOM for 16 min
4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM
13min AMRAP
30 KBS 53/35
30 T2B
7PM Classes start tonight.
Warm up:
3RDs at easy pace
1 min wall sit hold
10 Jumping Squats
30 D/U
E2MOM for 16 min
4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM
13min AMRAP
30 KBS 53/35
30 T2B
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-ups 5 RM 5 R.F.T. 10 Deadlifts, 225# (155#) 15 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg) 20 Pull-ups
Strength/Skill: 10 min to practice Pull Ups. Take it to next level. Beginner – Chest to bar. Intermediate – Consecutive chest to bar. Advanced – Butterfly 12 min A.M.R.A.P. 5 Wall climbs 10 Power Snatches 95/65 20 Alternating Pistols
We will be offering a 4 week Squat Strength Program in June. If interested, please see Matt or Mariana. The cost will be $35.00 for programming specifically geared for you. Please keep in mind you will be squatting 4X per week, some of those sessions taking the full hour. Your WODS if any will be…
15 min Snatch High Pull 3@95 3@100 2@105 % of 1RM Power snatch 5X1 Increasing weight GI Jane 100 Burpee Pull ups
2 rounds for time of: 35 Double-unders 35 Back extensions 35 Box jump, 20 in. box 35 Sit-ups 75 ft. Walking lunge 35 Burpees
Skill – Strength – stiff legged deadlifts 4 x 6 @ 70% “OMG Let’s Do ‘Abs!’” AMRAP 20 Minutes 10 reverse crunches with med ball 20 Sit-ups 5 Squat Cleans – 185/135 200m Meter Run