Wednesday, 6-6-12
Strength/Skill – Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
4 R.F.T.
Run 400m
50 Air Squats
Strength/Skill – Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
4 R.F.T.
Run 400m
50 Air Squats
Weighted push ups 5 x 3 For time: 50 Wall ball shots, 20/14pound ball 25 K2E 40 Wall ball shots 20 K2E 30 Wall ball shots 15 K2E 20 Wall ball shots 10 K2E 10 Wall ball shots 5 K2E
Come join us Friday September 1st at Brewology @ 7:30pm. As some of you may already know, Janel is starting a new chapter in her life and will be leaving us. Let’s join and celebrate her new endeavor. Strength: 1 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS @50-75% 1 RM snatch X 6 24 Min EMOM- 1-…
Strength/Skill -5×3 Back Squat (heavy) 13 min A.M.R.A.P. 8 Burpees over the bar 10 Deadlift 135/95 12 Box Jumps 24/20
We will start judging the Open Wod at 6PM, please come and support your fellow Kryptoniters!! Strength: Thrusters 5X5 @ 65-75% Workout 16.3 7-min. AMRAP: 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups M 75 lb. F 55 lb. Scaled: Jumping Pull Ups 45/35
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday: 8 and 9 am only. Christmas Party Dec. 15th. $20.00 pp 12 min Alt EMOM: Even Minutes: 3 Back Squats Odd Minutes: 1 Front Squat Barbell Loaded at 72% of 1RM Front Squat (Both Lifts) 18 min AMRAP 10 Ring Dips 20 DB Snatch 50/35 30 Walking Lunges (no weight)…
2 RDs 200m Run 10 Ring Row 10 Slam Ball 3×12 DB Bench 3×12 Dip 3×12 Bicep Curl 3×10 RDL (each leg) 3RFT 50 Wall Ball 20/14 40 Cal Row 30 Burpee Box Jump Over 20″/18″ *20 min cap*