Wednesday, 6-18-14

Strength/Skill – WOD #1 50 Overhead alternating lunges 35/25lb plate 40 Kettlebell Snatch 35/25lbs 30 Single arm alternating kettlebell swing 35/25 20 Plate burpees 35/25lbs 8 minute cap ***Alt lunges-plate cannot touch your head and knee must touch the floor. Kettlebell snatch- arms, knees and hips must fully lock out. KB swing- kettlebell must reach…

Monday, 6-16-14

Strength/Skill – 10 mins. to find your 1 RM for the following complex – 1 Deadlift – 1 Clean (Hang or Power) – 1 Front Squat. This was a WOD this past weekend that Matt, Dillon, Lorissa, Lucy, Kevin, Ann, Mark and Diana did. The following eight competitiors: Your strength/skill – is where you were…