Strength-Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
W.O.D. – 21-18-15
Inverted Burpees
Watch inverted burpee variations below
Strength-Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
W.O.D. – 21-18-15
Inverted Burpees
Watch inverted burpee variations below
Strength/Skill – Rope climb Five rounds for time: 15 Deadlifts, body weight 2 Rope climbs
Strength / Skill – Snatch 5 x 1 – For members who feel proficient with the squat snatch – 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single For members who do not feel proficient with the squat snatch – 5 * 3 Squat Snatch – Very Light/Focus on Form and mechanics. 5 min AMRAP…
No Classes Saturday. We will be doing the Stan Wong 5K in E. Moriches. 7X1 3-Position Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. *Notes: Position #1 is the low-hang – approximately 2″ from the floor. Position #2 is the traditional hang (just above the knee), and position #3 is the hi-hang (mid-way down the thigh….
Strength: Find your 1RM Strict Press Find your 1RM OHS Tababtas Supine Ring Rows Squat (holding at bottom) Floor Press 115/75
Strength/Skill – Hang Power Snatch 20 mins to WORK UP to find a 5 RM…A 5 RM will be a light load. Hands do not leave bar until 5 reps are completed. For time: 10 Deadlifts (225/175 lbs) 20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) 8 Deadlifts 16 Chest to Bar…
Kryptoniters, April 1st-30th we will be doing a FREE Paleo Challenge against Metoac CrossFit and we would like everyone to get involved. This Friday at 5PM we will have an intro seminar to answer any questions regarding the rules and requirements for the Challenge. We will also be doing measurements and pics before and after…