Saturday, 10-6-12

WOD: For time, team of 4: 100m Wheelbarrow (partner assisted) Bring Gloves. 100 Chest to Bar Pullups 100 Box jump-overs (24”/20″) 100 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) 100 Toes to Rings At the same time: Row a 4k 25 Minute Time Limit Two athletes can be moving at the same time, however, one athlete must be…

Thursday, 10-4-12

REMEMBER WE NOW HAVE 7 PM CLASSES ON TUESDAY’S AND THURSDAY’S 4 PERSON TEAM WOD ON SATURDAY CREATE YOUR TEAM IN ADVANCE!!!! Strength/Skill – Three Positon Power Clean: For load – Mid Thigh, Knee, Floor…in that order 5 attempts For video click here 9-6-3 Squat Snatch – 135/95 Shoulder to Overhead – 155/115 *Remove and…