Monday, 9-8-14

WOD: Take 10 minutes to build up to a heavy single on Power Clean then, On the 2:00 for 7 rounds (14 minutes) 5 Power Cleans (70% of your heavy single) 5 Strict Pullups 25 Double-unders Strength/Skill: EMOM for 7 min: 2 Strict Shoulder Presses

Saturday, 9-6-14

In teams of two, complete the following for time: 50 Toes to bar 60 Pullups 70 Thrusters, 95/63 80 Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 90 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 100 Wallballs, 20/14 600 Single-unders Run 400m Both team members must finish the 400m together for time. Have fun!

Friday, 9-5-14

Strength/Skill – EMOM x 10: 3-5 Overhead “Pause” Squats (hold bottom for 3 full seconds) – not about going heavy, but improving your bottom position. So you will be going pretty light. AMRAP 15: 100m KB Farmer’s Carry 3 KB Cleans 6 KB Push Presses 9 KB Front Squats You choose the weights. Focus on…