Saturday, 2-7-15
10 Rounds for Time
10 Box Jumps
10 Sit-Ups
10 Pull-ups
10 Reverse Lunges (1.5/1)
10 Push-Ups
Begin each round with 40′ Bear Crawl
10 Rounds for Time
10 Box Jumps
10 Sit-Ups
10 Pull-ups
10 Reverse Lunges (1.5/1)
10 Push-Ups
Begin each round with 40′ Bear Crawl
Partner WOD Saturday The BBQ is Saturday, March 26. Festivities begin after the last WOD @ 11 AM. Let us know how many are attending so we can correctly order. Michael Murphy Memorial Day WOD will take place on Monday, May 28th. There will be two classes, 8 AM & 9 AM Strength/ Skill –…
15 min to work up to a 2 RM Back Squat reps could look like – 5 @50% 2×3 @ 60% 2 @ 70% 2 @ 80%… ..and continue up to your 2 RM 5 RFT 5 Hang Power Cleans 185/125 10/6 AAB Cal (15/12 Cal Row) 15/12 Push Up *23min Cap* Weekly side work…
STRENGTH: C&J 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-1 8RFT 3 POWER CLEANS 185#/125# 6 WALL BALLS 20/14 9 BOX JUMPS 24″/20″
Heat times 7:30, 9 and 10:30 am> JC’s TONIGHT @7pm “JOLLY 51” 7RFT 3 Rope Climbs (scale 3:1) 15 DB Snatches 50/35 18 Wall Balls 20/14 In Memory of: Capt. Mark K. Weber, 38th Rescue Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia Capt. Andreas B. O’Keefe, 106th Rescue Wing, Francis S. Gabreski…
Christmas Party is Dec 14th here at the gym. It will be $20.00 pp and BYOB. Please sign up at front desk. Deadlift 20 min to build to a heavy single 7 minutes AMRAP 1 Deadlift 315/215 10 Double Unders 2 Deadlifts 20 Double Unders 3 Deadlifts 30 Double Unders 4 Deadlifts 40 Double Unders…
Check your Email for Today’s WOD.