Tuesday 8-4-15
EMOM 20 Min
Even- 7 Thruster 115/85 + 3 Burpee Over BB
Odd- 50 D/U
#10 more than last week or 80-85% of 1 RM
EMOM 20 Min
Even- 7 Thruster 115/85 + 3 Burpee Over BB
Odd- 50 D/U
#10 more than last week or 80-85% of 1 RM
Closed Thanksgiving. 9am class Friday. Christmas party Saturday, Dec.12th at the gym. Please sign up at the desk. Pre-Turkey WOD 0:00-5:00 50 Burpees AMRAP T2B 5:00-8:00 Rest 8:00-15:00 Est. Heavy Complex Power Snatch + Snatch 15:00- 17:00 Rest 17:00- 22:00 Isabel (30 Snatch 135/95) 22:00-25:00 Rest 25:00-30:00 1K Row 30:00- 33:00 Rest 33:00-38:00 50 T2B…
Warm up 2 RDs 30 D/U 10 BB Hang Power Cleans 100m Run 20 min to complete 3×10 Bicep Curls 3×15 Banded Tricep pull down 4x 1 min Hollow body holds 4x 1 min push up plank hold For Time: 1 Round: 800M Run 80 D/U 2:1 21 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 2 Rounds: 400M…
Katie Hogan from the CrossFit Games Power Cleans 225!!!! Watch it Boys!! Strength/Skill – 3-3-3-3-3 Hang Squat Clean 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Push Jerk 135/95 100′ Walking Lunge 45/25 Saturday is a partner WOD. It will include Sledge Hammer Swings and Tire Flips so…..put your partner on lay-a-way!!!!!
DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR MURPH AND THE BBQ!!! Strength: Deadlifts: 10 @ 50% 10 @ 60% 10 @ 70% 8 @ 75% 6 @ 80% of 1RM 4RFT 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Box Jumps 24/20 400m Run
15 min 3 X 8 Bench Press Superset w decline push ups till failure 3 X 10 Incline DB Press superset w 3 X 10 DB Flyes 21-15-9-15-21 Calorie Row Toes to Bar Back Squats 135/95
Strength/Skill – S.D.H.P. – 5-5-5-5 TnG 10 R.F.T. 3 Snatch Grip Deadlift (95#/65#) 3 Hang Power Snatch 3 Overhead Squat