Saturday, 11-29-15
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
Partner WOD –
250 D/U’s
200 Push Presses 75/45
150 Sledge Hammer Swings
100 Pull-ups
50 Tire Flips (as a team)
One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
With Partner 3×30 Reach and Touch Plank 3×20 Med ball Twist in Squat Position 3×20 Wall Ball/ Slam Ball Sit Up Partner WOD 3 Alternating sets 20 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Front Squats 95/65 20 Burpees 20 Push Press 95/65 18/12 AAB Partner 1 performs 20 Wall Balls Partner 2 performs 20 Wall Balls Partner…
New open gym hours – Tuesdays& Thursdays 7 P.M. and Saturdays @ 10:00 A.M. We realize some members want to work on their weakness or different programming for their individual needs.There is still a regular 7 P.M. class as well. All other hours are for scheduled/structered classes. 2011 Crossfit Games Final “The End” A.Complete as…
10 Min EMOM2 Push Presses + 1 Push JerkWork up to a heavy complex 2o min AMRAP 10 Alt DB Step Ups – 24/20 50/3510 Calorie Row25 Shoulder Taps15 Alt DB Step Ups15 Cal Row25 Shoulder Taps20 Alt DB Step Ups20 Cal Row25 Shoulder Taps….. Add 5 reps to the DB Step Ups and 5…
Strength – Deadlifts 5-5-4-3-2-1 21/15/9 Power Clean 135/95 Walkout Push-up Air Squats
Strength – Push Press 4-4-4-4 5 R.F.T. 15 Thrusters 95/65 15 Bar facing burpees The days results!!
800m Run 40 Burpees to Target 60/45 Cal Row 30 Bar facing Burpees 40/30 AAB 20 Burpee Box Jumps