Saturday, 4-16-16
Ten rounds for time of:
run 100 meters
7 Floor Presses 105/75
7 SDHP 105/75
7 Handstand push-ups
Ten rounds for time of:
run 100 meters
7 Floor Presses 105/75
7 SDHP 105/75
7 Handstand push-ups
Friday the 22nd, join us as we celebrate Britt and Jon’s upcoming wedding @ Brewology!!! Next Sunday the 24th…Sunday Funday @ 9:30. No 9am class. You will have to sign up at the front desk in advance. It will be a 3 person WOD. So teams of 3! “For time: 5 Rope Climbs 3:1 75…
Strength/Skill – 5 x 1 Complex – (Hang Snatch, above knee + Snatch) Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 95/65 pound Thruster, 5 reps 95/65 pound Hang Power Clean, 7 reps 95/65 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Please do not leave your wallets or handbags in your cars!!!! Christmas Party Saturday at 7PM. Please let me know if you are coming. Pot Luck. Please bring a dish and whatever you will be drinking. GYM WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY! Strength: Bench Press 6X3 @ 75-85% 18 min EMOM Minute 1 – 7-10 Front…
Don’t forget to wear your blue!! Partner WOD 30 Min AMRAP 8 RDS each 1 Rope climb 17 DB Snatches 20 Burpees
Congratulations to Matt and Mike. They qualified for the 2017 Granite Games! Strength: Power Snatch – Not TnG 4×2 @40% (technique warm up) 1×3 @ 50% 2×3 @60% 1×3 @70% 7min AMRAP: 15 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Sq. Clean 75/55 *rest 3 min* 7 Min AMRAP: 10 Alt. DB Snatch 45/30 10 Burpee Box Jump…
Hang Squat Cleans 4×4 @65% 18 min AMRAP 15 Weighted Step Ups 53/35 20/18 12 KB Swings 70/53 9 AAB 6 Muscle Ups