Thursday, 6-13-19
E3MOM for 12 min
8 Back Squats
all sets between 50-60% of 1 RM
16 Med Ball Clean 20/14
12 HSPU (16 Scaled)
8 C2B Pull Up (10 Pull Up)
*25 min Cap*
E3MOM for 12 min
8 Back Squats
all sets between 50-60% of 1 RM
16 Med Ball Clean 20/14
12 HSPU (16 Scaled)
8 C2B Pull Up (10 Pull Up)
*25 min Cap*
Strength/Skill – Hang Power Snatch 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x2x2 Workout of the Day A. Three sets of: Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 (L) & 10 (R) Rest 30 seconds 60 second Handstand Hold Rest 3 minutes B. “Annie” Rounds of 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 reps of: Double-Unders Anchored Sit-Ups Bulgarian Split Squat Demo
Strength: Death by- 5 Strict Press then… 3 Push Press then… 2 Push Jerk * Start with empty bar. Add 10/5# every min until failure. Start next movement at last failed weight. * 7 Min AMRAP 20 D/U 15 Sit Up 10 Power Clean 115/85
Strength- 3rm max snatch From the ground+ below knee+above knee(cannot drop weight) Wod- 12 min amrap 12 thrusters ascending weight 35 d/u Men 75 going up by 20lbs each round Women 55 going up by 10lbs each round
WOD AND WINE FRIDAY NIGHT! 4 Rounds – AFAP! Run 400m / Rest 1:00 Run 200m / Rest 3:00 10×3 Deadlift 75-85% *Scale as needed*
From Wednesday July 11th-Monday July 16th there will be a 4 P.M. class. Strength/Skill – Bench Press 10 rounds, each for time of: 15 Push-ups Sprint 60 yards Rest 60 seconds Record total time from start to finish. The standard is a full one minute rest
DON’T FORGET TO PLACE YOUR FANCLOTH ORDER! 7 RFT 400 m Run 25 Wall Ball 20/14 2 Man Makers 35/20