Thursday, 10-3-19
10 Min EMOM
1 OHS 70-75% of 1RM
Every 90 sec for 6 sets
1 OHS 80-100%
“Squatting Isabel”
For time:
30 Squat Snatches 135/95
10 Min EMOM
1 OHS 70-75% of 1RM
Every 90 sec for 6 sets
1 OHS 80-100%
“Squatting Isabel”
For time:
30 Squat Snatches 135/95
Strength/Skill – Zercher Squats 6 x 2 ( It is new, go light work on mechanical efficiency) At 1:05 explanation on how to hold bar Three rounds of: Tire Flips Man makers 25/15 Straight Jump to a Candlestick – see video. It is the first one. D/U’s if you can’t do them, this is your…
Run 800 M then 8 Rds 4 Bar Mu 8 HSPU 12 Alt Pistols then Run 800 M Skills
With a partner: 14 Rds 25 Power Snatch 75/55 25 Pull Ups 200m Run 25 T2B *Split Reps however. Run is completed together*
Follow the path of the bar Strength/Skill – O.H. Squats 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 O.H. Squats 135/95 K.2.E. 6 Pistols (3L) (3R) after each round
Strength/Skill – Snatch Pulls 3-3-3-3-3 60% Beginner 70% Int. 80% Adv. 15 Minute AMRAP 1 Wall climb 3 Inverted burpees 5 H.P. Snatches 95/65 7 Air Squats
Strength/Skill: Deadlifts 5RM For time: 5 rope climbs 15′ 5 Clean and jerks 95#(65#) 4 rope climbs 4 Clean and jerks 115#(75#) 3 Rope climbs 3 Clean and Jerks 135#(95#) 2 Rope climbs 2 Clean and jerks 185#(115#) 1 Rope climb 1 Clean and jerk 205#(125#)