Monday, 10-21-19
6 sets
Sets 1-3: 5 reps @ 40,50,60%o of 1RM
Set 4-6: Working sets: 3 reps @ 70,80, 85% 0f 1RM
50 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Wall Balls
EMOM 3 Burpees
6 sets
Sets 1-3: 5 reps @ 40,50,60%o of 1RM
Set 4-6: Working sets: 3 reps @ 70,80, 85% 0f 1RM
50 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Wall Balls
EMOM 3 Burpees
Don’t forget to sign up for Murph and the BBQ May 25th. Strength: OHS 5 @65% 5 @75% 5+ @85% of 1RM(Trying to max out reps here. Need to hit at least 5.) 3 R.F.T. 2 – Rope Ascents 6 – Man Makers 45/25 10 – Sumo Deadlifts 115/75
Merry Christmas!!!
EMOM 12 Minutes: ODD: 5-10 toes to bar EVEN: 6-12 push ups Strength: E2MOM for 5 sets: 2 Push Presses + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk. Between 75-80% of 1RM Push Press 20 Minute Time Cap: 5 Rounds Run 400m/ Row 500m 10 burpees 20 slam balls 30/20
From Wednesday July 11th-Monday July 16th there will be no 4 P.M. classes. To make up for that hour we will have a 7 p.m. classes. Strength/Skill – Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 TnG (Touch and go) 21-15-9 reps for time of: 225/185 pound Deadlift 95/65 pound Thruster
With a 15 minute clock, for total reps 5 minutes of thrusters 115/80 4 minutes of double unders (Sub single unders) 3 minutes of bar facing burpees 2 minutes of Bar Muscle Ups (Sub C2B/Pull-ups/Ring Rows) 1 minute of thrusters 115/80 Score is total reps Rest 2 minutes Then Touch and Go Squat Clean Party…
Great job on yesterdays WOD!!!! The longest one we’ve had. Honestly, it was a little longer than we thought. You know what they say, “If it doesn’t kill you, it just makes you stronger.” Skill/Strength – Double Unders 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 OH Squat – 125/85 Push Press 125/85 T2B CrossFit Kryptonite