Wednesday, 6/22/11
Strength – Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
W.O.D. – 5 R.F.T.
8 O.H. Squats 135/95
12 Burpee pull-ups
16 K2E
Strength – Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
W.O.D. – 5 R.F.T.
8 O.H. Squats 135/95
12 Burpee pull-ups
16 K2E
Strict Press: 3 @ 70 3 @ 80 3 @ 90% of 1RM AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Muscle Ups 50 Double Unders 100′ Sled Push 90/50
Make sure to sign up for the Open. First workout announced this Thursday @ 8PM. You can watch it live here at the gym. We will be judging workouts Saturday mornings. We are switching over to Zenplanner. You should be getting an email to register. Strength: Deadlifts: Work up to a heavy triple 20 Min EMOM min…
Strength/Skill – 10 min E.M.O.M. – Even minute 5 STRICT H.S.P.U.”S. Odd Minute – 8 S.D.H.P. 95/65 7 R.F.T. 7 Deadlifts 7 HR Push Ups 7 T2B 7 Ring Dips 7 Jumping Squats 7 Pull-ups 7 Wall Balls Rx – 155/105, 20/14 Advanced – 135/95, 20/14 Beginner – 95/65, 16/10
Strength/Skill: Clean- find your 1RM 25 Pull Ups 200m run 21 Thrusters 95/65 400m run 21 Thrusters 200m run 25 Pull Ups
For time- 1 Mile Run ..then.. 6rds 5 Deadlift 225/155 20 Lat Box Jump Overs 25 Pull up
Strength/Skill – Jerk Dip Squat 3-3-3-3 95% of Squat Clean Weight 15-12-9 of KB/DB Power Cleans to Thrusters 53/35 Pull-ups If you are not using 53/35…. …Your rep scheme is 21-15-9.