Tuesday, 10-25-11
Skill/Strength – KB Snatch
12 min A.M.R.A.P.
10 Deadlifts (125% of B.W.)
3 Wall Climbs
Skill/Strength – KB Snatch
12 min A.M.R.A.P.
10 Deadlifts (125% of B.W.)
3 Wall Climbs
5 and 6 am classes cancelled. Right now we will try for 9AM class, and reg. PM classes. Strength: 3 sets for max reps: C2B Pull Ups rest 2 min, during rest perform 45 sec L-sit. 15 Min AMRAP 250m Row 3 Wall Balls 3 Burpees 6 Wall Balls 6 Burpees 9 WB 9 Burpees…
For time: 10 Deadlits 275/195 20 Pull-ups 30 Box jumps 24/20 40 Kettlebell swings 53/35 50 Double-unders 40 Kettlebell swings 30 Box jumps 20 Pull-ups 10 Deadlifts Click here to register/donate to 31 Heroes Project
No PM Classes. 6,7 & 9 AM Classes only Strength/Skill – Snatch Grip Deadlifts 3 RM 5 RFT 15 Toes to bar 10 Weighted Ab-Mat s/u’s 25/15 (Weight is always in contact w/ chin) 10 Kryptonite Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 (Yes these burpee’s were invented at Kryptonite and you get to do them!) 10 Hang…
05 Yhtlif For time: 50 Double unders 50 Burpees 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Back extensions 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Knees to elbows Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
Strength: 5X5 Bench press For time: 100 d/u 21-15-9: Wallballs (20/14) Chest to Bar Pullups 100 d/u
Power Snatches 10min [email protected]% 1000/750m Row 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60 Toes to Bar 40 Handstand Pushups 20 Front Squats 135/95