Tuesday, 3-12-13
Strength/Skill – OHS 3-3-3-3 with 1 second pause at the bottom @ 70-80% of 1RM.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Deadlift – 123/185
12 Pistols
Strength/Skill – OHS 3-3-3-3 with 1 second pause at the bottom @ 70-80% of 1RM.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Deadlift – 123/185
12 Pistols
You have 20 Minutes to Establish a 7 rep max Back Squat AMRAP 7 Minutes 10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead – 45/35 200 ft Farmer’s Carry – 45/35 *Score is total Shoulder to Overhead Reps, so make sure you don’t end up outside when the clock ends!*
E2MOM for 10 min 2 Below Knee Pause Snatch High Pull + 2 Below Knee Pause Power Snatch (3 second pause at position) Working Tech here 10-1 KB Complex 53/35 T2B x2 Air Sq. x3 *18 min Cap* KB complex = 2-KB Russian Swing + 1 2-KB Power Clean
Strength: Snatches 7×1 @75% Light weight and fast Power Clean + Split Jerk 1+1 @ 75, 80% 1+1 @ 85% X3 “Heavy Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift 275/185 HSPU
Strength/Skill – 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Squat Clean = 1 Cluster. 5 x 2 Clusters TnG (70-80% of 1 RM) 5 R.F.T. 7 – Inverted Burpee’s 17 – S.D.H.P – 75/45 27 – Russian Swing 53/35
Don’t forget to place your fancloth orders. Every 1:30 for 9 min 2 Clean Pulls + 2 Power Clean+ 1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk Build to heavy complex Granite Games 19.1 4min to finish – 15 Squat Cleans (135lbs/95lbs) 15 Toes To Bar 12 Bar Facing Burpees – If completed, add…
Gymnastics 12 min EMOM 1- 12-15 T2B 2- 12-15 Push Up 3- 10-14 Pistol (15-20 Squat) 4 RFT 10 OHS 95/65 15 Power Clean 20 Deadlift