Friday, 6-7-13
15 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Snatch.
3 rounds for time of:
30 KB Snatch + OH Lunge 24/16kg (15L/15R)
40 Double-Unders
15 minutes to establish a 1rm Power Snatch.
3 rounds for time of:
30 KB Snatch + OH Lunge 24/16kg (15L/15R)
40 Double-Unders
Strength/Skill – Find 1 RM Power Clean 10 Minute AMRAP: 7 Hang power cleans (50 % of 1RM HPC) 7 Bar facing burpees 5 K.2.E./T.2.B Complex – 1 K.2.E. / 1T.2.B. = 1 Rep
Strength/Skill – 5 rep max on TnG Push Press 5 R.F.T. 15 Thrusters 95/65 15 C2B Pull-ups Rest one minute between rounds
EMOM X 10 Min 1 – 10 Burpees Min 2 – 15 Wall Balls 3 Rounds: 10 Power Cleans (155/115) 10 Front Squats 10 Push Jerks
STRENGTH/SKILL – 5X3 Low Hang Snatch (3″ off floor) – heaviest possible, rest 60 – 90 sec. Notes: These should be performed UB if possible, but it is not required. -then- For time: 30 Double-Unders 3 Power Cleans @ 155/105# 30 Wall Balls 20/14# 6 Power Cleans @ 155/105# 15 T2B 9 Power Cleans @…
Strength/Skill -Clean High Pulls (I know we did Cleans yesterday)-We are working to get under the bar faster. 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 reps for time: Sumo deadlift high pull, 75/55 Push press, 75/55
Happy 21st Birthday to Jessica D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W.O.D. – For time: 100ft Walking Lunges 21 DB Push Presses 21 Deadlifts 21 Pull-ups 100ft Walking Lunges 15 DB Push Presses 15 Deadlifts 15 Pull-Ups 100ft Walking Lunges 9 DB Push Presses 9 Deadlifts 9 Pull- Ups 100ft Walking Lunges