Thursday, 4-17-14
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-up 4 x 3
7 Minute Ladder
3 Clean and Jerk – 103/155
3 Toes to Bar
7 Minute Ladder
3 Deadlift – 103/155
3 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Strength/Skill – Weighted Push-up 4 x 3
7 Minute Ladder
3 Clean and Jerk – 103/155
3 Toes to Bar
7 Minute Ladder
3 Deadlift – 103/155
3 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Don’t forget to register for 31 Heroes. See link on our FB page. 5 Rounds for time: 75 Double-unders 15 Burpee Chest to bar Pull-ups
Sunday hours changing to 1 class, 9AM only. Starting this weekend. Monday Labor day: 8&9 AM. Monday and Wednesday, we will be starting 5AM classes…Open GYM! 5AM classes start September 9th. AMRAP 7 minutes of: 18/12 Calories Rowing 15 Thrusters 95/65 12 Dips Rest 5 Min AMRAP 7 minutes of: 50m Shuttle Run (25mx2) 25…
Holiday Hours: 8AM Challenge, 9 and 10AM classes, 4,5,6pm classes, Challenge at 7PM. Strength: 5X5 Box Squats 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 Toes to Bar Wallballs (20/14) 50 Double-Unders after each round
Important Membership Change Inforamtion Strength/Skill – CrossFit Games Open 12.4 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 90 Double-unders 30 Muscle-ups CrossFit Games Open 12.4 Graham Holmberg 0 rounds + 25 muscle-ups (265 reps). Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register…
Congrats Rob & Amanda! Just married!!!! Olympic Athlete Christine Girard Snatches 106 kg (233 pounds) at Ogopogo Weightlifting Championships 2011 in Kelowna, B.C. Strength/Skill -S.D.H.P. 15 MIN. .A.M.R.A.P. 4 Wall Climbs 8 Pistols 12 SDHP’s 75/55
Strength: Bench Press: 5X2 Partner Wod 800m Run (100 meters at a time) 80 Calorie Row 80 Box Jumps (24/20) 50 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 10 Rope Climbs One person works while the other rests.