Friday, 1-27-12
Strength/Skill – Bench Press
4 R.F.T.
20 Medi-Ball Burpee Cleans 20/14
15 C2B Pull-ups
10 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65
Strength/Skill – Bench Press
4 R.F.T.
20 Medi-Ball Burpee Cleans 20/14
15 C2B Pull-ups
10 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65
We now have a group on Facebook…CrossFit Kryptonite Box News. Please join, so you can always get the latest news. You can post on the page too. We will be watching the Open announcement Thursday at 8PM. During the 5 week Open, we will be offering a 7 PM ROMWOD class. Anyone can participate. Bring…
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Clean – Find a heavy single. DONT 1 REP MAX 7 R.F.T. 3 Hang Squat Cleans (80% of finishing weight from strength/skill session) 6 Burpee Pull-ups 9 Ring Dips
Krista Debs just swing’n!!! Amy….about to start cleaning!!!!! Skill/Strength – Bench Press 5-5-4-3-2 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Ab Mat S/U’s 45/25 Plate S.D.H.P. 95/65
Partner WOD – 250 D/U’s 200 Push Presses 75/45 150 Sledge Hammer Swings 100 Pull-ups 50 Tire Flips (as a team) One partner runs 400m while the other works. Proper attire if cold.
Deadlifts; 10 @ 55% 10 @ 65% 8 @ 75% 6 2@ 80% 4 @ 85% 2 @ 90% 16 min AMRAP 10 Floor Press 20 Weighted Sit-Ups 10 SDHP 20 Hip Extensions/ Good Mornings
8 min EMOM 50 m sprints 1. Press 10 min EMOM: 2 Strict Shoulder Press 2. Jerk Complex Push Jerk + Split Jerk, work up to a heavy set. 3.Ascending Ladder for 7 minutes 20 DU, 1 Power Snatch(135/95) 20 DU, 2 Power Snatch 20 DU, 3 Power Snatch