Friday, 2-9-18
Every :20 for 6 min
3 Strict Press
start @ 50% 1RM (if you can increase, do it)
16 min AMRAP
50 Cal Row
40 Overhead Walking Lunge 45/35
30 Power Clean 135/95
20 Ring M/U (20 c2b pull up + 20 Dips)
10 Thruster 135/95
Every :20 for 6 min
3 Strict Press
start @ 50% 1RM (if you can increase, do it)
16 min AMRAP
50 Cal Row
40 Overhead Walking Lunge 45/35
30 Power Clean 135/95
20 Ring M/U (20 c2b pull up + 20 Dips)
10 Thruster 135/95
Strength/Skill – 5×5 Strict Press @ 75% *Climb to 5RM in 5 sets if strict press 1rm is not known. WOD 3 Rounds: 10 Man Makers 10 Lateral Bar Hops 10 Mountain Climbers (2 Count)
Amanda and Katie rocketing out of the Squat Clean!!!! Annie blasting her Squat Cleans!!!!! Team W.O.D.-With partner, perform the following 100 – KB Swings 100 – Pull-ups 100 – Thrusters 45/30 (bar) 100 – K2E One partner performs ten burpees, while the other completes above tasks.
E.M.O.M. 5 Deadlifts (225/155) & 20 D.U.”s 10 Min A.M.R.A.P. 10 One-Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch – 70/45 10 Box Jump Overs – 20/24 Extra – H.S.P.U.’s Working on Strict and Strict Deficit
Three rounds for time of: 30 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 25 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 20 Pull-ups
Strength: 2 position snatch; 1 from floor and 1 from hang 70,75,80% X 3 5 RFT 10 G2O 95/65 200 m run/ 250 m row 12 KBS 53/35
Strength: Deadlift 5×6 60-80% of 1RM Every 4 min for 24 min- 20 Wall Ball 20/14 15 Burpee to plate 10 t2b *Scale reps to 15-12-9 per rd* *Time cap is 3min per round. Rounds are meant for a sprint*”