Friday, 6-30-17
Skill Work!!!
Skill Work!!!
Hang Snatch 5-5-5 4 Rounds for time: 15 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 TTB 15 Push-ups (hand release) Just because it is a hand release push-up, that doesn’t imply that flopping, or worming your way up or down is acceptable. Rigidity through the midline is an expected standard.
15min Skill work or bench press 4×10 For reps- 0:00-10:00 5 Deadlifts 275/205 10 HSPU 20 Bar Hops 10:00-15:00 rest 15:00-25:00 35 D/U 12 Pull Ups 8 Thruster 115/85
With Partner 12 Rds 30 Lunges 20 Power Cleans 135/95 10 Ball Slams 200 m Run Together
“CrossFit Total” Take 10 minutes each with the following lifts to find your one-rep max: Back squat Shoulder press Deadlift (combine all 3 for total score) “I can’t squat – I have bad knees…” Needless to say, we’ve heard this one a few times before. We’re not saying that this statement doesn’t hold some validity,…
with a partner – both partners run Bert For time: 50 burpees 400-m run 100 push-ups 400-m run 150 walking lunges 400-m run 200 squats 400-m run 150 walking lunges 400-m run 100 push-ups 400-m run 50 burpees
They are the strongest girls in the world! Show this to your girl friends so they can stop saying “I-don’t-lift-heavy cause I’m gonna get bulky”!!! Operation Painstorm (Courtesy of CrossFit North East England) Five 6-minute rounds with no rest in-between. At the start of each interval, run 400 meters. Then, in the remaining time, complete…