Friday, 7-5-19
Holiday schedule:
July 4th and 5th : 7,8,9 am only!
For time:
100 Hollow Rocks
100 BB S2OH 45/35 (75/55)
100 BB Back Rack Step Ups 45/35 (75/55) 24″/20″
300 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
Holiday schedule:
July 4th and 5th : 7,8,9 am only!
For time:
100 Hollow Rocks
100 BB S2OH 45/35 (75/55)
100 BB Back Rack Step Ups 45/35 (75/55) 24″/20″
300 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
Strength: Clean and Jerk Every 90 sec 1@60% 1@65% 1@70% 1@75% 3@80% 15min AMRAP 15 cal row 10 T2B 5 Power Snatches 135/95
Strength: Jerk 6 X1 as heavy as possible 4 RFT 12 Burpee over the bar 8 Push Jerks 155/105 4 HSPU
Strength/Skill – Snatch Grip Deadlift “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155 H.S.P.U.’s
Strength/Skill – Deadlift 3 x 3 “The Bear Complex” 5 sets of the sequence: 7 rounds of: 1 power clean 1 front squat 1 push press 1 back squat 1 push press
Strength: 6×5 Deadlifts 80-90% of 1rm WOD: 14 Min AMRAP- 12 KBS 53/35 9 Thruster 75/45 6 HR Push up 3 OHS 75/45 *Scale as needed*
Strength – Strict Press – 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D. – 3 Rounds 21 Forward Walking Lunges 21 Backward Walking Lunges 21 Ring Dips MORNING CLASSES: 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9AM, 10AM EVENING CLASSES: 4PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM