Friday, 7-5-19
Holiday schedule:
July 4th and 5th : 7,8,9 am only!
For time:
100 Hollow Rocks
100 BB S2OH 45/35 (75/55)
100 BB Back Rack Step Ups 45/35 (75/55) 24″/20″
300 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
Holiday schedule:
July 4th and 5th : 7,8,9 am only!
For time:
100 Hollow Rocks
100 BB S2OH 45/35 (75/55)
100 BB Back Rack Step Ups 45/35 (75/55) 24″/20″
300 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
Strength: Push Press 6×4 @60-85% of 1RM Every 5 Min for 25 min 200m Run 20 Wall Ball 20/14 5 Ring M/U (10 Pull Up & 10 Dips)
Labor day Hours: 8 and 9am only! 12 min E2MOM 3 Tempo Back Squat Tempo= 4 sec down, 3 sec pause in bottom, explode up, 2 sec pause at top 16 min AMRAP 40 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35 40 Pull Up 30 DB Burpee 30 C2B Pull Ups 20 Devil Presses 50/35 20 Bar Muscle…
Reminder: Saturday Beach WOD at Pikes Beach, @8AM. Gym will be closed. It is a partner WOD. Swimming is not necessary. Please sign up at the front desk. In case of thunder and lightning the beach wod will be cancelled. Strength: Power Clean 70%x3 75%x3 80%x2 85%x2 2RM 15 Min A.M.R.A.P. 1 Wall Climb 7…
Filthy 50 For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Scale: Dirty 30
uStrength/Skill: Deadlifts: 10@50%, 10@55%. 10@60%, 10@65%, 10@70% 500m row – all out Rest 2:00 3 rounds w/1:00 rest between rounds 12 wall balls (20/14#) 10 C2B 8 pushups w/feet on box 6 box jump overs (24/20″) 4 DB manmakers (45/30#) 2 wall climbs
Bench- 4×10 Increasing weight each set 6x100m w/ 10sec b/t reps 5x200m w/ 20sec b/t reps 4x300m w/ 30sec b/t reps 3x400m w/ 40sec b/t reps *Rest 2 min between sets*