Friday, 8-3-18
Warm up
2 rd of Cindy
10 min to complete
5×6 Weighted Push Up
build to heavy 6
For time:
Buy in –
1 mile Run…
20 SDHP 95/65
10 HSPU 2:1
5 TGU 40/20
*20 min Cap*
Warm up
2 rd of Cindy
10 min to complete
5×6 Weighted Push Up
build to heavy 6
For time:
Buy in –
1 mile Run…
20 SDHP 95/65
10 HSPU 2:1
5 TGU 40/20
*20 min Cap*
Sumo Deadlift- 7×3 Work up to heavy 3 TnG 7 Min AMRAP 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18… reps of Box Jumps 24″/20″ Muscle Ups(Ring or Bar) Rest 3 Minutes 7 Min AMRAP 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18… reps of Burpees HSPU
For time: 21-15-9 Box Jump 24″/20″ Cal Row 15-12-9 KB Swing 70/53 Burpee 12-9-6 HSPU C2B+ T2B (both equal 1 rep without coming off the bar)
Strength: Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squat build to heavy complex over 6 set 5×8 DB Bench Press 8 Min AMRAP 35 D/U 10 DB Power Cleans 45/30
From Wednesday July 11th-Monday July 16th there will be no 4 P.M. classes. To make up for that hour we will have a 7 p.m. classes. Wednesday, July 4th there will be 8 and 9 am classes only Strength/Skill – Power Clean Clean Complex – Power clean / Hang power clean / Hang squat clean…
“THE AIR FORCE WOD” For time: 20 Thrusters 20 Sumo deadlift high pulls 20 Push jerks 20 Overhead squats 20 Front squats Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed…
Warm up: 3RDs at easy pace 10 DB Upright row to press 10 BB Strict Press 10 BB bent over row 10 BB Good Mornings 12 min EMOM – Not TnG. Min 1 & 2: 3 Power Snatches 60% 1RM Min 3 & 4: 2 Power Sntaches 65% Min 5 & 6: 1 Power Snatch…