Monday, 2-4-19
9 min E3MOM
Back Squat
3×10 @ 55,60,65% of 1RM
5 RFT:
10 DB Burpee 50/35
20 DB Lunge Steps 50/35
30 Medball Twists 20/14
*22 min Cap*
9 min E3MOM
Back Squat
3×10 @ 55,60,65% of 1RM
5 RFT:
10 DB Burpee 50/35
20 DB Lunge Steps 50/35
30 Medball Twists 20/14
*22 min Cap*
For time: 1000m Run 75 Thruster 45/35 50 Pull Up 75 Wall Ball 1000m Run
Warm up: 3RD at easy pace 10 Air Squats 20 D/U :30 Squat Hold 12 min to complete: Back Squats 5×5 @ 80% 3RFT 10 DB Snatch, left arm 50/35 10 OHS, left arm 50/35 10 Pull Up 10 DB Snatch, right arm !0 OHS, right arm 10 Pull Up *18 min Cap*
As of right now gym will be open at 4. If you plan on coming please come early, should it get bad, I might close early!! I will not cap class. Stay tuned for closings or delays. 30 Min to Complete: 6×1:00 L-R-C Plank 6×8 Single Leg Glute Bridge, each leg 6×10 Single…
Please be advised, due to a septic problem, classes will be cancelled until further notice. Please spread the word. Thanks
Strength/Skill: Weighted Dips 5X5 10 RFT 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Box Jumps 24/20 20 D/Us
Power Snatches 10min [email protected]% 1000/750m Row 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60 Toes to Bar 40 Handstand Pushups 20 Front Squats 135/95