Monday, 3-11-19
Back Squat
5×5 @ 60-70% of 1 RM
20 min AMRAP
5 Pull Up
10 Push Up
15 Squats
Back Squat
5×5 @ 60-70% of 1 RM
20 min AMRAP
5 Pull Up
10 Push Up
15 Squats
From Wednesday July 11th-Monday July 16th there will be no 4 P.M. classes. To make up for that hour we will have a 7 p.m. classes. Strength/Skill – Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 TnG (Touch and go) 21-15-9 reps for time of: 225/185 pound Deadlift 95/65 pound Thruster
Strength: Back Squat 3X10 @ 65-70% of 1RM For time: 15 Cleans 155/100 30 T2B 30 Box Jumps 24/20 60 D/U’s 30 DB Push Presses 40/25 60 D/U’s 15 Thrusters 135/95 30 Pull Ups 30 Burpees One Barbell Scale as needed
For Reps: 5 Min AMRAP 4 HSPU 8 KBS 53/35 12 GHD/ Weighted S/U 40/25…weight stays attached to collar bone. *Rest 2 Min* 5 Min AMRAP 4 KBS 8 GHD/Weighted S/U 12 HSPU *Rest 2 Min* 5Min AMRAP 4 GHD/Weighted S/U 8 HSPU 12 KBS *EACH AMRAP SCORED SEPARATE* SKILL WORK AFTER D/U, Pistols
7min to get as far as possible in: 10 Power clean 165/115 20 Burpee 30 Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 40 Cal Row 50 T2B 150 D/U *rest 5 min* 10min to get as far as possible in: 10 Power clean 165/115 20 Burpee 30 Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 40 Cal Row 50 T2B 150 D/U…
Today Muscle up Paleo will be joining us for a tasting of their paleo meals @ 4,5,& 6 PM classes Strength/Skill – 5×2 High Hang Power Clean 5 RFT 10 OHS 135/95# 50 Lateral Jumps over the bar 10 C2B Pull-ups Rest 1:00 after each round.
Every :30 for 5 min (10 sets) 4-6 Weighted Pull Ups (6-8Pull ups) rest 2 min Every :30 for 5min (10 sets) 4-6 Weight Dips (6-8 Dips) rest 2 min Every :30 for 5 min (10 sets) 7-10 Hollow Rocks 14 min EMOM Even- 8 Thrusters 135/95 Odd- 12 Burpee over bar