Monday, 5-1-17
Strength: 6X3 OHS
Work up to a heavy triple.
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
12 Power Snatch (155/105)
21 GHD Situps/ Weighted Sit Ups 35/25
Strength: 6X3 OHS
Work up to a heavy triple.
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
12 Power Snatch (155/105)
21 GHD Situps/ Weighted Sit Ups 35/25
ROMWOD @7PM Come watch the Open announcement at 8PM. Skill: HSPU practice 5 rounds for max reps :30 of work at each station, no rest between movements Pushups Box jumps (24/20″) Snatches (75/55#) Wall Balls :30 rest
Compliments of Matt P. Strength/Skill – Weighted Pull-up 5-5-4-3-2 10 RFT 4 Strict pull-ups 4 H.S.P.U. 12 Sit-ups 12 Pistols CLICK ON YOUR PIC, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!
Strength/Skill – Shoulder Press 5 x 2 5 sets: 20 walking lunges 10 dips 10 toes to bar 20 box jump step-downs 40 double unders rest 3 min
12 min EMOM – Not TnG. Work Technique Min 1-4: 2 P.Clean & 1 Jerk 50-60% 1RM Min 5-7: 2 P.Clean & 1 Jerk 60-72.5% Min 8-9: P.Clean & Jerk 72.5-80% Min 10-12: P.Clean & Jerk 80%+ ( NOT TnG on the doubles, set up every time to have each rep look the same) For…
Strength: Back Squat Waves: 5 Reps AFAP 55%,65%,75% 60%,70%,80% AMRAP 15: 5 Toes to Bar 10 Hand-Release Pushups 15 Wallballs (20/14)
Strength: 2 Power cleans + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk X 10 70% 10 to 1 Wall Balls 20/14 Walking lunges ea. leg Rest 1 to 10 Strict deficit HSPU 45lb plates w abmat Burpee Broad Jump