Monday, 6-17-13
No Yoga this week.
Strength/Skill – 5×2 Mid Thigh Snatch
100 Wall Balls……but, before you Wall Ball
On the even minute 5 – Burpees
On The odd minute 5 – S.D.H.P.’s 75/45
No Yoga this week.
Strength/Skill – 5×2 Mid Thigh Snatch
100 Wall Balls……but, before you Wall Ball
On the even minute 5 – Burpees
On The odd minute 5 – S.D.H.P.’s 75/45
Strength/Skill – 8 min EMOM – 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats 85% of 1 RM PC Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: 7 Push press, 135# (95#) 10 Overhead squat, 135# (95#) 15 Weighted Ab-Mat Sit-ups 30/15
5 and 6 am classes cancelled. Right now we will try for 9AM class, and reg. PM classes. Strength: 3 sets for max reps: C2B Pull Ups rest 2 min, during rest perform 45 sec L-sit. 15 Min AMRAP 250m Row 3 Wall Balls 3 Burpees 6 Wall Balls 6 Burpees 9 WB 9 Burpees…
NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES NO 8 OR 9 AM CLASSES Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Clean 5 R.F.T. 7 hang Squat Cleans (80% of 1 RM) 5 Wall Climbs
For Time: 115/85 pound Shoulder press, 10 reps 115/85 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps 115/85 pound Push press, 20 reps 115/85 pound Front squat, 25 reps 115/85 pound Push jerk, 30 reps 115/85 pound Back squat, 35 reps
Strength: 2 Power Snatch + 1 Hip Sq. Snatch build over 6 sets starting @ 50%1rm Power Snatch 8RFT: 9 Pull Ups 3 Deadlifts 315/205 10 Box Jump Overs 30/24
Strength: EMOM for 5 min 5X3 Power Cleans @75% For time: 70 Burpees 60 Sit-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods 40 Pull-ups 30 Ring push-ups