Monday, 8-19-13
Strength/Skill – EMOM – 5 mins 10 (ADV) T2B 7 (INT) 4 (BEG)
7 C&J 115/85
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 – -On the new freshly painted green and black CrossFit Krypto Boxes (stickers on their way)
Strength/Skill – EMOM – 5 mins 10 (ADV) T2B 7 (INT) 4 (BEG)
7 C&J 115/85
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 – -On the new freshly painted green and black CrossFit Krypto Boxes (stickers on their way)
Partner WOD For Time. 1 person works at a time. “”Diane”” 21-15-9 DeadLift 225/135 HSPU “”Grace”” 30 Clean & Jerk 135/95 “”Isabel”” 30 Snatch 135/95 “”Jackie”” 1000m Row 50 Thruster 45/35 30 Pull Ups
Strength / Skill – Snatch 5 x 1 – For members who feel proficient with the squat snatch – 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single For members who do not feel proficient with the squat snatch – 5 * 3 Squat Snatch – Very Light/Focus on Form and mechanics. 5 min AMRAP…
For time: 50 T2B 3 Rope Climbs 3:1 50 Front Squats 135/95 3 Rope Climbs 25 Wall Climb 3 Rope Climbs 25 Deadlifts 185/125 3 Rope Climbs Bring shin protection 35 min Cap
8 and 9 am Classes only today For Max Reps in 33 EMOM min 1- Jumping Pull Ups min 2- Pistols min 3- Push-Ups min 4- Sit-Ups min 5- Strict Presses 75/55 min 6- Mountain Climbers min 7- DB Snatches 45/30 min 8- Wall Sit min 9- T2B min 10- DB Devils Presses 45/30 min…
Christmas Party this Saturday @ 6:30 PM. We will be closed Sunday. Deadlifts 5 X 3 Reps @ 75% 4 RFT 400m run 10 KB Deadlifts 70/53 100′ Farmer’s Carry 10 KB Deadlifts 20 Burpee to Plate
Strength/Skill – E.M.O.M. – 16 Mins. Even Minute 10-15 Pull Ups Odd Minute 10-15 Push Ups Using a kettlebell or dumbbell 15 Turkish get-ups, right arm 53/35 20 swings 15 Snatches left arm 20 swings 15 Snatches right arm 20 swings 15 Turkish get-ups, left arm