Monday, 8-29-16
Back Squat: Go off your 1RM we tested this past week.
1@95% X 4
Fight Gone Bad
1min each for tot reps
Wall Balls
SDHP 75/55
Box Jumps 24/20
Push Presses 75/55
cal row
rest 1 min
Back Squat: Go off your 1RM we tested this past week.
1@95% X 4
Fight Gone Bad
1min each for tot reps
Wall Balls
SDHP 75/55
Box Jumps 24/20
Push Presses 75/55
cal row
rest 1 min
Burgener Warm-up Skill – Snatch Balance W.O.D. 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 OHS 95/65 C2B PULL-UPS GHD SITUPS DOUBLE UNDERS
No 5 AM’s This week. 6 & 7 A.M. Tuesday – No P.M. Classes (Because you will all be out drinking anyway) Wednesday – Closed Strength/Skill – Weighted Dips 4 x 5 EMOM: – One Bar/One weight 185/133 5 OHS – Min 1 5 Cleans – Min 2 5 Front Squats – Min 3 5…
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5-5 Build Control on the way down, fast on the way up Sets 1-3: Warmup sets, 40-60% 1RM Set 4-6: Working sets, 70-85% 27-21-15-9 C2B Pull Ups Bar facing Burpees
20 min to complete: 3×10 single leg RDL (each leg) 3×10 Bent Over row 3×12 Single arm DB Power Row 3×12 DB Incline Lever Row 3×20 Shrugs “Christine” 3 RFT: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts 135/95 21 Box Jumps 24″/20″ *12 min Cap*
Murph is this Saturday…I need a head count for the BBQ. 10 min EMOM 40 yd all out sprint 7 min AMRAP 10 Front Squats 135/95 10 Burpees over Bar Rest 3 Minutes 7 min AMRAP 10 Pull Ups 10 Push Press (115/85)
Sunday Funday @9:30am 4 person team…the last of our fundraiser WOD. Still time to bring something in….. Please sign up at front desk. WOD- 4 RFT 400m Run….yes 15 Burpee 12 C2B pull up 9 Hang Power Snatch 135/95 SKILL- Weakness for CROSSFIT OPEN in 22 days !!! …D/U’s Muscle ups HSPU… Anything you know…