Monday, 9-23-13
Strength/Skill – M.E. Pull-ups. 5 sets x 90 sec rest
Five rounds for time of:
50 feet B.B. O.H. walking lunges 45/33
21 Burpees
Strength/Skill – M.E. Pull-ups. 5 sets x 90 sec rest
Five rounds for time of:
50 feet B.B. O.H. walking lunges 45/33
21 Burpees
Partner Row 4x500m each partner does 4, 500m Row. Rest is however long your partner takes. Strength: Box Squat 3×3 @ 75-80 % of 1RM Box Sqaut Wod: 7x40yd Sprints Every 90 Seconds.
Justin 30-20-10 reps for time of: Body-weight back squats Body-weight bench presses Strict pull-ups U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin M. Hansen, 26, of Traverse City, Michigan–assigned to the 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina–died July 24, 2012, in Badghis Province, Afghanistan, while conducting combat operations. He is survived by his…
Skill Work 15 min AMRAP 20 Thruster 75/55 15 HSPU 2:1 1 Rope Cimb 3:1
Partner WOD Saturday. The BBQ is Saturday, March 26. Festivities begin after the last WOD @ 11 AM. Let us know how many are attending so we can correctly order. Michael Murphy Memorial Day WOD will take place on Monday, May 28th. There will be two classes, 8 AM & 9 AM. There will be…
Strength/Skill – Strict Press 5 x 2. go heavy WOD c/o CrossFit.Com June 2009 Painstorm (courtesy of Davie at CrossFit Central Scotland): Time cap (35 Minutes) 21-15-9 Reps of: Thrusters 95/65 Pull-Ups Power Cleans 95/65 Ring Dips Dead Lifts 95/65 HSPUs
Strength/Skill – Practice Curtis P’s 3 RFT 5 Curtis P’s.135/95 200m Run…100 FWDS….100 BWDS . 5 Inverted Burpees