Saturday, 1-19-19
10 RFT:
3 HSPU 2:1
6 Deadlift 225/155
12 Pull-Ups (20 banded, 20 Ring Row)
24 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
10 RFT:
3 HSPU 2:1
6 Deadlift 225/155
12 Pull-Ups (20 banded, 20 Ring Row)
24 D/U 3:1
*35 min Cap*
Does anyone have a fresh water fish tank ATTENTION 5AM CLASS. YOU MUST SIGN IN BY 8PM THE NIGHT BEFORE. Need at least 3 to have the class. You will be able to see from the app who is signed in. *****July 4th hours: 8,9 and 10am only!!! We are starting…
Skill – Kipping for C2B 20 min A.M.R.A.P. 5 C2B Pull-ups 10 Walk out push ups 15 KB Swings 53/35 Kelly upside down……and happy too!!!! Frank C. and 220 lbs of diesel fuel trucking across the floor……as RX’D!!!!!!! Jody knows the hollow body. That is how to stay straight!!!! Mariana with the one arm handstand!!!!!…
Tabata :20 on/:10 off Hollow Rocks Sit-Up MedBall Twists 3 RD for reps 1 Min Burpee to plate 1 Min Cal Row 1 Min OHS 95/65 1 Min HSPU 2:1 1 Min D/U 3:1 1 Min Rest
Today’s hours 6,7 and 8AM. Closed tomorrow! Partner WOD 120 Cal Row 100 Pistols 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60 Hang Power Clean 95/65 40 M/U (40 C2b + 40 Dips) *Each partner must complete 1 rep of each movement*
Christmas Party Saturday at 7PM. Please let me know if you are coming. GYM WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY! Strength: 2 Snatch high pulls + 1 Power Snatch starting at 50% of Snatch and adding weight. “Jackie” Row 1,000 Meters 50 Thrusters (45) 30 Pull-Ups
E3MOM x12 min(4 sets) 9 Back Squats @50-60% 1RM For Time: 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 21 Thrusters 115/85 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 15 Thrusters 6 Bar MU + 9 C2B + 12 Pull-Ups 9 Thrusters (If you cannot do chest to bar or BMu, complete…