Saturday, 1-7-16
Ten rounds for time of:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat 75/45
Ten rounds for time of:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat 75/45
Strength/Skill – Shoulder Press 5 x 2 5 sets: 20 walking lunges 10 dips 10 toes to bar 20 box jump step-downs 40 double unders rest 3 min
BABY EVA 5RDS 400m run 30 KBS 70/53 30 Pull Ups Scale as needed.
We now have Paleo Kits for sale. Skill/Strength 5 sets of: 30 second L-sit followed by 5 ring dips WOD 4 Wall Climbs 10 KB Swings 2/1.5 14 Ball slams 20/14 18 Box Jumps24/20 -15 second L-sit 5 Wall Climbs 20 KB Swings (2/1.5) 28 Ball slams 36 Box Jumps -15 Second L-sit 6 Wall…
With a partner complete: 25 min AMRAP: 12 t2b 8 hang power snatch 115/85 4 ohs 115/85 * 100′ shuttle run alternate every 25′ after every rd. shuttle run count as 4 (1 rep every 25′)* *split reps however you’d like*
We will be opened regular morning hours ( 6 a.m. – 11 a.m.) on Memorial Day. There are no evening classes. Running “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Sit-ups Double Unders Run 200m after round of reps.
Strength/Skill – Snatch Grip Deadlift find your 3RM 21-15-9 Reps for time: Front Squats (185/133) Ring Dips