Saturday, 11-9-13
7 R.F.T.
Run 200 meters
20 Box Jumps, 24/20
20 Medi-Ball Cleans 20/14
7 R.F.T.
Run 200 meters
20 Box Jumps, 24/20
20 Medi-Ball Cleans 20/14
30 min to complete 3×10 Flat Bench Press 3×20 Tricep Banded Pull Down 3×10 Weighted Push Up 3×15 French Press 3×10 DB Flys 6 min AMRAP 30 Russian Swings 70/53 30 K2E 30 Walking Lunge w/ 1 KB 70/53
3RFT 12 Pull Ups 15 Wall Balls 20/14 15 Sit ups 15 Good Mornings 45/33 15 min to find your 1RM Front Squat 10 min EMOM 3 Power Snatches 3 OHS
Strength/Skill – Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3 7 Rounds for time: 7 Power Clean (95/63) 7 Bar Facing Burpees
Congrats Rob & Amanda! Just married!!!! Olympic Athlete Christine Girard Snatches 106 kg (233 pounds) at Ogopogo Weightlifting Championships 2011 in Kelowna, B.C. Strength/Skill -S.D.H.P. 15 MIN. .A.M.R.A.P. 4 Wall Climbs 8 Pistols 12 SDHP’s 75/55
Skill- Deficit HSPU/ HSPU/ Strict HSPU… WOD- 3 RFT: 400m Run 30 Wall Ball 20/14 20 C2B Pull Up 10 Sq. Snatch 135/95
EMOM- 10 Snatch 95/65 10 sit up 9 Snatch 105/75, 9 sit up 8 Snatch 115/80, 8 sit up 7 Snatch 125/85, 7 sit up 6 Snatch 135/95, 6 sit up 5 Snatch 145/ 105, 5 sit up 4 Snatch 155/115, 4 sit up 3 Snatch 165/120, 3 sit up 2 Snatch 175/125, 2 sit…