Saturday, 3-27-16
400m run
30 KBS 70/53
30 Pull Ups
Scale as needed.
400m run
30 KBS 70/53
30 Pull Ups
Scale as needed.
Granite Games WOD Individual 2A – Part 1 (0:00-6:00) 6 Minute 1RM 1-Rep Max Snatch 2B – (6:01-14:00) 8 Minute AMRAP 30 Double Unders 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 30 Double Unders 15 Toes-to-Bar 2A – Part 2 (14:01-20:00) 6 Minute 1RM 1-Rep Max Snatch Masters 40-44 2A – Part 1 (0:00-6:00) 6 Minute 1RM 1-Rep Max…
WE WILL BE DOING THE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS STARTING 5PM. JOIN US FOR WINE WHILE WE CHEER EVERYONE ON!!! Deadlifts 6X5 Sets 1-3: 45,55,65% Sets 4-6: 75,80,87.5% of 1RM For time: 100m walking lunge 50 push-ups 50 medicine-ball cleans 50 KBS 70/53 100m walking lunge
Strength: Bench Press 6X3 @70% 5 RFT 12 x Toes to Bar 12 x Power Clean and Strict Press 115/75 (each rep starts on Floor) 24 x Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings
Strength: 26 Min to complete 5×10 Bicep Curls (10 each Arm) 5×10 Skull Crushers 3 sets of “21’s” 3×10 Dips 14 Min Ladder: 2 Sit-Up 2 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Balls 20/14 4 Sit-Up 4 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 6 Sit-Up 6 Hollow Rock 12 Wall Ball 8 Sit-Up 8 Hollow Rock 12 Wall…
Strength/Skill – Front Squat 5-5-3-2-1 21-15-9 One Arm D.B./K.B. Thrusters C2B Pull-ups
Warm up 2 RD 30 DU 10 BB Deadlifts 10 BB Power clean 10 Wall Ball With a team of 3 complete 1500m Row 50 Deadlifts 185/125 1500m Row 50 Power Clean 185/125 1500m Row 100 Wall Ball 20/14 1500m Row 100 Wall Ball 20/14 *35min Cap*