Saturday, 5/7/11
Strength – Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3-3
W.O.D. 21-15-9 with 55m jog/55m sprint between each round
One Arm Dumbell Thrusters 45/25
Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Strength – Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3-3
W.O.D. 21-15-9 with 55m jog/55m sprint between each round
One Arm Dumbell Thrusters 45/25
Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Day 4 of the Challenge. Hope everyone has a support partner. Remember prep work is key!!! Does anyone have a recipe they want to share? Bring it in, we can make copies for everyone. Strength/Skill – Push Press 12 Minute Ladder 2 Push-Press/Jerk – 115/75 2 Toes to Bar *Up by 2′s for 10 Minutes*
Warm up: CFK 2 rounds Official 1 round Burgener W.O.D. Five rounds for time 7 Deadlifts 275/225 225/135 135/115 10 Ring Dips
Congrats Rob & Amanda! Just married!!!! Olympic Athlete Christine Girard Snatches 106 kg (233 pounds) at Ogopogo Weightlifting Championships 2011 in Kelowna, B.C. Strength/Skill -S.D.H.P. 15 MIN. .A.M.R.A.P. 4 Wall Climbs 8 Pistols 12 SDHP’s 75/55
Please Clean your shoes! 2 Min Tababtas Heel Taps Hollow Rock T2B Sit Ups For max reps: 6 minutes of D/U’s 5 minutes of Box Jumps 4 minutes of Power Snatches 75/55 3 minutes of OHS 2 minutes of Hang Power Cleans 1 minute of Thrusters
We are closed. Merry Christmas!!
Strength: Bench Press 6X3 24 min EMOM Min 1- 10-15 Push Ups Min 2- 15 KBS 53-35 Min 3- 20 Good Mornings Min 4- 30 Med Ball twists