Saturday, 6-15-13
Partner WoD
Row 1000 Meters
AMRAP 1 – Wall Climbs while partner rows
Run 800 Meters
AMRAP 2 – 1 Burpee/3 Wallball Sets – 20/14 @ 10’/9′ Target while partner rows
Row 1000 Meters
AMRAP 3 – Wall Ball Sit-ups 14/10 while partner rows
*The first round is simple, one partner rows, the other performs wall climbs, then they switch. Then there is another round but instead of wall climbs, the non-rowing partner will perform 1 burpee followed by 3 wallballs as many times as possible while their partner rows. Each burpee/wallball set is worth one “rep.” The goal is to have the shortest time possible but the most reps possible. If you and your partner would like to have a score, you must multiply your total reps times 10 and subtract from your total time IN SECONDS. So, if my partner and I get 100 total reps, I will multiply that times 10, which equals 1000. Then if we took 17 mins for the entire WoD that would be 1020 seconds. 1020 minus 1000 equals 20! Lowest score wins.
If a team of three is required, two people will perform reps while the third partner rows 500 meters. All three will rotate through the row. Scoring will be the same though cannot be compared to teams of two. Keep in mind, you CANNOT PERFORM REPS UNLESS YOUR PARTNER IS ACTUALLY ROWING.
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