Saturday, 7-14-18
Warm up:
3Rds at easy pace
10 BB Power Snatch
10 BB Push Press
5 Ring row
10 HSPU 2:1
15 Power Snatch 75/55
10 Ring Row
15 Push Press 75/55
20/15 Cal Row
Warm up:
3Rds at easy pace
10 BB Power Snatch
10 BB Push Press
5 Ring row
10 HSPU 2:1
15 Power Snatch 75/55
10 Ring Row
15 Push Press 75/55
20/15 Cal Row
Reminder: Christmas party is December 12th, please sign up if you’re coming! 5 RFT 30 wall balls 20/14 5 squat snatches Front squats 5@70% 5@75% 4@80% 3@85% 5@75%
Strength/Skill Floor press 3×5 On the minute for 12 minutes: Power clean, Front squat with pause at the bottom, Clean (weights 2/3 of rm clean – check your folder) 6 min Tabata: Abmat sit-ups and Kettlebell swings 53/35
For Time- Karen meets MOM 150 Wall Balls EMOM 100′ Shuttle Run
W.O.D – For Time: Run 400m Tabata Squats Run 400m Alternating Tabata Push-ups/KB Swing 1.5/1.0
Thanks to everyone who donated to the Thomas Valva Fundraiser this weekend. Through your generosity we raised $ 2320.00. 8 Sets 5 Front Squats 8 Back Squats 65% of Front Squat Rest 2 Min Between Sets Annie 50-40-30-20-10 D/U’s Sit Ups
Sunday Funday Partner WOD. Don’t forget to sign up. 16 Minute AMRAP: 500 meter row 20 Pull Ups 40 Back Squat (135/95) 20 Pull Ups 30 Front Squats (115/75) 20 Pull Ups 10 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Pull Ups Snatch 60%x2, 70%x2, 80%x2, heavy single