Saturday, 7-23-16
Supposed to be real hot today!!!!
I am posting a WOD, but you can do open gym/globo gym if you’d like.
400m run
25 Thrusters 95/65
30 Box Jumps 24/20
Supposed to be real hot today!!!!
I am posting a WOD, but you can do open gym/globo gym if you’d like.
400m run
25 Thrusters 95/65
30 Box Jumps 24/20
Crosffit Total – 15 Min to Establish 1RM Back Squat 15 Min to Establish 1RM Strict Press 15 Min to Establish 1RM Deadlift
Strength: 30 min to complete: 4×10 Front DB Raises, each arm 4×10 Reverse Flys 5x 12 Banded hamstring curls 5×15 Reverse hypers w/band (if you do it with a band do 10 banded then 5 without band immedately after) 5×10 Arnold Press 18.0 21-15-9 DB Snatch 50/35 Burpee Over DB *10 min cap*
Strength/Skill – Clean Complex- 2 Hang Clean Pulls + 1 Hang Clean x 5 WOD: @0:00-21-15-9 Wall Ball Pull Ups @:10:00 21-15-9 Wall Ball Box jumps @20:00 21-15-9 Wall ball Burpees @30:00 21-15-9 Wall ball Row Calories
15 min to complete 3×8 DB Hammer Curl (superset by 20 banded curls) 3×15 banded tricep pull down 3 sets of 21’s (increasing weight) 3×10 french press (superset by 20 bench dips) 21 min EMOM Min 1- 12/10 AAB Cal Min 2- 60 D/U 2:1 Min 3- 2 Rope Climb 3:1
7 min A.M.R.A.P. 7 Burpees on 25lb plate 7 Strict Pull-ups For load: Hang Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 Bench Press 3-3-3 Snatch-grip Deadlift 3-3-3
Strength/Skill: Deadlifts 5RM For time: 5 rope climbs 15′ 5 Clean and jerks 95#(65#) 4 rope climbs 4 Clean and jerks 115#(75#) 3 Rope climbs 3 Clean and Jerks 135#(95#) 2 Rope climbs 2 Clean and jerks 185#(115#) 1 Rope climb 1 Clean and jerk 205#(125#)