Saturday, 8-9-14
5 R.F.T.
Run 800m
30 KB Swings 70/53…..DAM!!!!
30 Pull-ups
5 R.F.T.
Run 800m
30 KB Swings 70/53…..DAM!!!!
30 Pull-ups
Strength: 15 min to find your 1RM Back Squat “Annie on steroids” 50-40-30-20-10 D/U’s Weighted Sit Ups 35/25 Every 90 sec until failure 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch Start at 50%, add 10 lbs every 90 sec. until failure
Strength: 30 min to complete: 4×10 Front DB Raises, each arm 4×10 Reverse Flys 5x 12 Banded hamstring curls 5×15 Reverse hypers w/band (if you do it with a band do 10 banded then 5 without band immedately after) 5×10 Arnold Press 18.0 21-15-9 DB Snatch 50/35 Burpee Over DB *10 min cap*
Strength: E2MOM X 10 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Jerk Partner WOD 4RFT 10 Thrusters 95/65 Shuttle Sprints 5m, 10m, 15m, 10m, 5m 20 Hollow Rocks 1 person goes at a time. Each partner completes 4 rounds.
TAAAABAAAATAAAAZZZ!!!!!!! Jumping pull-ups Rest 1 minute Squats (45lb. plate) Ring push-ups Rest 1 minute Deadlifts (165lbs.) Add up score!!!!!
Christmas Eve Hours: 6,7,& 8AM. No PM Classes. Closed Christmas Day. 5 RFT 5 hspu 10 PC 135/95 15 burpee 20 kbs 53/35 25 wall ball Rest 3 min between rds
Spring 30 Day Paleo Challenge, weigh ins May 1st â– Eat a diet rich in nutrients and minerals made from real whole foods: meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts. A diet that supports your physical efforts by giving you energy and reducing inflammation but does not store itself as extra fat on your body. Participants should commit…